We combine clear customer orientation with the international expertise and financial strength of the OMV Group. Taken together with our many years of experience in sales, trading, logistics and procurement, we offer products that exactly meet your needs: tailor-made, partnership-based, perfect solutions.
OMV, the integrated, international oil and gas company based in Vienna, clearly recognizes that climate change is one of the most important global challenges today and acknowledges the goals set forth by the Paris Agreement. Yesterday, OMV announced ...

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linux tex 中文 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:TeX是由著名的计算机科学家Donald E. Knuth(高德纳)发明的排版系统,利用TeX可伡很容易地生成高质量的dvi文件,打印输出。利用dvips,dvipdfmx,pdfLaTeX等程序生成pdf,ps文件,LaTeX2html生成html文件。 它在学术界十分流行,特别是数学、物理学、计